“Peculiar Diamonds”

Lifting up the Body of Messiah all over the world this morning. Reading His Spirit words that burn in my bones of His endless and limitless love toward His people and His creation. Our unity is purposed through the Father’s Son which connects all the pieces. Yeshua is the Head and we are His Body. And as He is the head of the body, the ekklesia – called out ones, we know Him as the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the preeminence.

I remember when I came to San Diego in May 1987. Initially, we seemed to be separated from one another – each of us with our own range of experiences, different exposures and many single visions. But when we began to communicate and pray with each other and honor each other, we discovered common threads as we worshipped, shared revelation, responded and listened to hearts. We laid hold of mutual truth in Messiah which transcended our differences. As diverse as we may have been, we learned that we celebrated similar milestones that the Father has written about, we laughed together at similar experiences that brought a witness and a testimony from our city, we shed the same tears and rejoiced as we truly learned weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. We saw the Lord together!! And Father gave us faith to see Him in each other first before we saw the weaknesses that we all have. Yes we were made into a Kingdom community.

San Diego we have come a long way. The Lord God is making us One. We are learning to truly esteem one another and move together for the bigger Vision of the Lord…the Lord’s Vision. There’s a sound that has captured our hearts that has marked a Holy cadence to move forward together as we keep our eyes fixed on the Captain of the Hosts. He has chiseled all of us. We are His peculiar treasure. Yes Diamonds rising up out of the dust!

The Glory of the Most High is covering and filling San Diego and His beautiful Presence is overflowing into our hearts and moving up into California, America and into the nations of the earth.
Our God is exalted when we love one another.
Singing this morning with a thankful heart for those of you reading this.

John 13:34-35
So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.”

We are beginning to look and sound like our Brilliant, Radiant King!